コース参加ご希望の方は、10分程度のオンライン・個別コーチングをお申込み下さい。 あなたのパーソナルなニーズに合った最適のコースをご紹介いたします。このオンライン・コーチング(Zoom Meeting)は無料です。下記フォーム(申込用紙)のSubject欄にコース名とコースコードを、Message欄にはご希望の相談日の日付と時間帯をご記入いただき、Submit(提出)ボタンでご提出下さい。ご質問などがあれば同じくMessage欄にご記入下さい。(日本語でも英語でも大丈夫です。)Zoom Meeting へのご参加のしかたはメールでご案内致します。
If you wish to participate in one of our courses, you will be asked to join a free 10-minute online placement/coaching interview held via Zoom Meeting. In the Subject field, please indicate the name and the code of the course you are interested in. Please use the Massage field to share the date and time when you are available for an interview as well as your relevant past study experience.
(As a general rule, placement interviews are held on weekdays from 12:00 to 15:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 Japan time).
Please read carefully our terms of service and privacy policy before you send us your message.
You can also sign up for
a complimentary drop-in class. Please indicate the class name and the class code in the Subject field and share the date and time when you're available for a short online briefing session in the Message field.